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Solving Recurrences

  • Repeated substitution method
  • Expanding the recurrence by substition and noticing a patteren w.r.t. the step i.
  • Identifying an appropriate i such that the base case can be plugged in.
  • Recursion-trees
  • Draw a tree to visualize what happens when a recurrence is iterated
  • Master method
  • Templates for different classes of recurrences

Repeated Substitution

  • Substitute
  • Expand
  • Substitute
  • Expand
  • ...

Observe a pattern and write how your expression looks after the i-th substitution

Find out what the value of i should be to get the base case of the recurrence T(1)

Insert the value of T(1) and the expression of i into your expression.

Example 1


Example 2



Recursion Tree

A way to conveniently visualize what happens when a recurrence is iterated.

  • Each node represents the cost of a single sub-problem.
  • Sum the costs within each level of the tree to obtain a set of per–level costs.
  • Sum all the per-level costs to determine the total cost of all levels of teh recursion.




Lower bound - \Omega(n^2)

We have to at least do level 1, so the lower bound is \Omega(n^2).



Key steps

  • How many levels in the tree?
  • log_bn+1
  • What is the cost per non-leaf level?
  • Depends on the cost of dividing and combining
  • What is the cost for the leaf level?
  • Depends on how many leave nodes there are: n^{log_ba}
  • Each leave node has constant cost
  • Sum the per-level costs into the final cost

The Master Method

Providing a template method for solving recurrences of the form:


​ where a\geq 1 and b>1 are constant, ​ and f(n) is asymptotically positive.

T(n) is the runtime for an algorithm and we know that:

  • a subproblems of size n/b are solved recursively, each in time T(n/b)
  • f(n) is the cost of dividing the problem and combining the results
  • f(n)=D(n)+C(n)

First case:

​ if f(n)=O(n^{log_ba-\epsilon}) for some constant \epsilon>0, then


Second case:

​ if f(n)=\Theta(n^{log_ba}), then $$ T(n)=\Theta(n^{log_ba}lg(n)) $$

Third case:

​ if f(n)=\Omega(n^{log_ba+\epsilon}) for some constant \epsilon>0, and the regularity condition is also satisfied, then $$ T(n)=\Theta(f(n)) $$ Regularity condition:

  • a*f(n/b)\leq c*f(n) for some constant c<1 and all sufficiently large n

How to use

  • Extract a, b, and f(n) from a given recurrence
  • Determine n^{log_ba}
  • Compare f(n) and n^{log_ba} asymptotically
  • f(n) increases polynomially slower, case 1
  • The increase similarly, case 2
  • f(n) increases polynomially faster, case 3
  • Determine appropriate MM case and apply.

Correctness of Algorithms

The algorithm is correct if for any legal input it terminates, and produces the desired output

Loop invariants

Invariants - assertions (i-e, statements about the states of the execution) that are valid any time they are reached ( many times during the execution of an algorithm, e.g. in loops)

We must show three things about loop invariants:

  • Initialization - it is true prior to the first iteration
  • Maintenance - if it is true before an iteration, then it remains true before the next iteration
  • Termination - when loop terminates the invariant gives a useful property to show the correctness of the algorithm

Example - Insertion Sort


At the start of each for loop, A[1...j-1] consists of elements originally in A[1...j-1] but in sorted order.



j = 2, the invariant trivially holds because A[1] is a sorted array


The inner while loop moves elements A[j-1],A[j-2],...,A[j-] by one position to the right without chaning their order until it finds the proper position for A[j].

Then, A[j] is inserted into k-th position such that A[k-1]\leq A[k]\leq A[k+1].

Thus, A[1...j] consists of the elements originally in A[1...j] but sorted order.


The loop terminates, when j=n+1.

Then the invariant states:

A[1...j-1] consists of elements originally in A[1...j-1] but in sorted order.

Last update: February 20, 2019