Sorting Algorithms¶
Input: A sequence of n numbers
Output: A permutation (reordering) of the input sequence
(slide 8)
When in doubt, sort!
- One of the principles of algorithm design.
Insertion sort
- In-place[^in-place] sorting algorithm
- Worst case complexity \Theta(n^2)
Merge sort
- Uses the DaC technique
- Not in-place[^in-place] sorting, which requires additional storage with the size of the input array
- Worst case complexity \Theta(n\cdot lg(n))
Important properties
- Whether a sorting algorithm is in-place?
- What is the worst case complexity \Theta(n^2) or \Theta(n\cdot lg(n))?
[^in-place]: In-place: Only a constant number of elements of the input array are ever stored outside the array.
Bubble Sort¶
- Popular but inefficient.
- Repeatedly swapping adjacent elements that are out of order.
Selection Sort¶
Pseudo Code:
Quick Sort¶
A DaC algorithm.
Does not require additional array like Merge Sort
- Sorts in-place [^in-place]
Last update:
June 10, 2019