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The Shortests Path Problem

Lars plans to go from Aalborg to Aarhus and he wants to save fuel.

  • Assuming fuel consumption is prorpotional to travel distance

One possible solution is:

  • Model road network as weighted graph
  • Enumerate all paths from Aalborg to Aarhus
  • Add upp the lengths of roads in each path and selected the paht with shortest sum of lengths

This is verty ineffecient because it examines a lot of paths that are note worth considering.

Weighted, directed graph G = (V, E) with a weight function w:E\rarr \R

A path on G:


w(v_0,v_1)\space w(v_1,v_2)\space\space w(v,_{k-1},v_k)

Weight of a path is:


Given two vertices u and v in V,

  • More than one path exists to go from u to v, eg. p_1,p_2,...,p_n
  • Each path has a weight w(p_1),w(p_2),...,w(p_n)

The shortests-path weight, denoted as \delta(u, v), from u to v:

  • min(w(p_1),w(p_2),...,w(p_n))

  • defined as:


The shortest path between u and v is a path p with the short-path weight w(p)=\delta(u,v)



Find a shortest path from a given source (vertex s) to each of the vertices that are reachable from s.


Given two vertices, find a shortest path between them.

  • Solution to single-source also solves this.


Find shortest-paths for every pair of vertices.

  • Running a single-source algorithm once from each vertex
  • More efficient method: Not covered in AD1

Shortest-paths for un-weighted graphs.

  • BFS, lecture 10.

Negative weights

If weights are non-negative, shortest paths are well-defined.

Negative weights effect shortest-path weights?



A path <v_0,v_1,...,v_i,...,v_j,...,v_k> forms a cycle, if v_i=v_j

Shortest paths have NO cycles.

  • Negative-weight cycles
  • No. Otherwise, shortest paths are not well-defined anymore.
  • Positive-weight cycles
  • No. Otherwise, we could get shorter paths by removing the cycles.
  • 0-weight cycles
  • No. We can just repeatedly remove the 0-weight cycles to form another shortest path, until the path becomes cycle free.

Any acyclic path in a graph G = (V, E) contains at most |V| distinct vertices and at most |V|-1 edges.

  • This is used by Bellman-Ford algorithm

Shortest Paths Tree

The result of shortest path algorithms.

A shortest paths tree.

  • The shortest paths tree is a tree with the source vertex s as the root
  • It records a shortest path from the source vertex s to each vertex v that is reachable from s.

Each vertex v

  • v.parent() records the predecessor of v in its shortest path
  • v.d() records a shortest-path weight from s to v.

Relaxation Technique

For each vertex v in the graph, we maintain v.d():

  • Estimate the weight of a shortest path from s to v.
  • Initialize v.d() to \infin in the beginning.
  • Update, ie. decrease the value of v.d() during the search.


  • Check whether a new path from s, via u, to v, can improve the existing shortest path from s to v.
  • w(s,u)+w(u,v) vs w(s,v)
  • is u.d +w(u,v)<v.d ?


01  if v.d > u.d + G.w(u,v) then
02      v.d = u.d + G.w(u,v)
03      v.parent = u

Dijkstra's Algorithm

Works fro graphs with non-negative edge weights


  • Directed, weighted graph G = (V, E)
  • A weight function w:E\rarr\R
  • A source vertex s.


  • A set of vertices S, |S|=|V|
  • Each vertex u\in S has a value for u.d() and for u.parent()
  • If u is not reachable from s, u.d() = \infin


  • Maintain a set S of visited vertices, and each time
  • 1) select a vertex u that is the "closest"* from s, and add it to S
  • 2) relax all edges from u, ie. check whether going through u can improve the shortest-path weight of u's neighbours.

* "Closest" = Least shortest-path weights (a priority queue prioritized on u.d())


A little different from book in syntax, see CLRS p. 658


Running Example

Explained in Lecture-12 slide 18-21




Running Time

Analysis in Lecture-12 slide 23-24



Analysis in Lecture-12 slide 25-28

Bellman-Ford Algorithm

Dijkstra's doesn't work when there are negative edges.

  • Intuition - We cannot guarantee that the length of a path increases when more edges are included.

Bellman-Ford alg. can handle a graph where edges have negative weights (but no negative-weight cycles)


  • Directed, weighted graph G = (V, E)
  • A weight function w:E\rarr\R
  • A source vertex s.


  • Boolean value:
  • False = detects negative-weight cycles
  • True = returns the shortest path-tree

  • If Boolean value = true, a set of vertices S, |S|=|V|

  • Each vertex u\in S has a value for u.d() and for u.parent()
  • If u is not reachable from s, u.d() = \infin



Running Example

Explained in Lecture-11 slide 30-34




Based on Path Relaxation Property

Analysis in lecture-12 slide 35-37

Shortest Path in DAGs

  • Topologically sort the DAG
  • Relax the edges of vertices according to the topologically sorted order of vertices.


Running Example




Based on Path Relaxation Property

Analysis in lecture-12 slide 41 + 35-37

Last update: February 20, 2019