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A class with no objects is called abstract class

Structures between classes

Generalization Structure

Generalization: A general class (the super class) describes properties common to a group of specialized classes (the subclasses)

Specialized Classes are subclasses

Generalized classes are superclasses


The classes “Taxi” and “Private Car” might be specializations of the general class “Passenger Car” which might be a specialization of the general class “Vehicle”

​ Think programming!

Cluster Structure

Cluster: Collection of related classes


From an automobile register

Structures between objects

Two types: aggregation and association.

Aggregation Structure

Aggregation: A superior object (the whole) consists of a number of inferior objects (the parts)

See the picture below, “Car” consists of “Engine” which consists of “Cylinder”

An Engine consists of at least 2 Cylinder's, this is marked by the 2...* and is called multiplicity

Association Structure

Association: A meaningful relation between a number of objects

For example, maybe a car is owned by one or more people, and a Person owns 0 or more cars. It It makes no sense to say that a person contains a car.


We can name the association, for example call this line “ownership” (This is often because we a missing a class though)

Find candidates for structure

Identify Generalizations

First approach; we take every pair and determine if one of the two is a generalization of the other

Second approach; we determine if a relevant generalization exists for pairs of selected classes.

Third approach; we take each of the selected classes and attempt to define a relevant generalization or specialization.

Identify Aggregations

To find candidates for aggregation, systematically examine selected classes individually in pairs.

There are three typical applications of aggregation structure:

  • Whole-Part; the whole is the sum of the parts
  • Container-Content; the whole is a container for the parts
  • Union-Member; the whole is an organized union of members

The whole is considered to be superior to its parts. (Vertical placement in the class diagram)

Identify Associations

Look at remaining class pairs to see if the can be meaningfully related.

Identify Clusters

To increase the diagrams clarity

Can use other structures as a starting point for generating clusters.

It is NOT allowed to place a class in 2 different clusters!

Last update: February 20, 2019