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Lexical Analysis

  • Describe the role of the lexical analysis phase
  • Describe how a scanner can be implemented by hand or auto-generated
  • Describe regular expressions and finite automata

The Scanner

The scanner is sometimes called lexical analyzer or lexer.


Lexemes are "words" in the input, for example keywords, operators, identifiers, literals, etc.

Tokens: a data structure for lexemes and additional information.

Lexical Elements

  • Character set
    • ASCII vs Unicode
  • Identifiers
  • Operators
    • +, -, /, *, ...
  • Keywords
    • if, then, while
  • Noise words
  • Elementary data

    • Numbers (integers, floats)
    • Strings
    • Symbols
  • Delimiters

    • begin...end vs {...}
  • Comments

    • /*...*/ vs # vs ! vs //
  • Whitespace
  • Layout


Can be detailed and subtle

  • String constants:
    • Escape sequence: \", \n, ...
    • Null strings
  • Rational constants:
    • 0.1, 10.01
    • $.1,\ 10.,\ $ vs 1..10

Rule of Thumb

If the lexem structure is complex then examine the language for design flaws!!

Regular Expressions

Tokens can be "scanned" with regular expressions.

Regular Expression Meaning
\varepsilon The empty string
t Generates only the string t
X Y Generates any string xy such that x is generated by X and y is generated by Y
X | Y Generates any string which generated either by X or by Y
X* The concatenation of zero or more strings generated by X
(X) Parentheses are used for grouping
P+ positive-closure, strings consisting of one or more strings in P catenated together

A meta-character is any punctuation char or regular expression operator. A meta-character must be quoted when used as an ordinary char to avoid ambiguity.

Identifier Grammar to RE

Elimination of Left Recursion

N   ::= X | N Y     =>      N   ::= X Y*

Left factorization:

X Y | X Z           =>      X ( Y | Z )

Regular Grammars

A grammar is regular if by substituting every nonterminal (except the root one) with its righthand side, you can reduce it down to a single production for the root, with only terminals and operators on the righthand side.

This grammar is regular:

Identifier  ::= Letter
            |   Identifier Letter
            |   Identifier Digit

Because it can be reduced to:

Identifier  ::= Letter (Letter | Digit)*

Or rather

(a|b|c|...|z)((a|b|c|...|z) | (0|1|2|...|9))*

Called a regular expression often reduced to:



A DFA can be implemented with a transition table:



Can be coded in one of two forms:

  1. Table-driven
    • The table is explicitly represented in a runtime table, interpreted by the program
    • Often used by scanner generators
    • Token independent
  2. Explicit control
    • The table appears implicitly through the control logic of the program.


The DFA from above implemented:



Explicit Control



It is smart to associate a semantic value with the token, such as the value of an integer constant. An FA that does this is called a transducer.

Scanner Generator

The scanner is often generated by a tool, such as Lex


The tokens are specified in a scanner specification that is fed to the generator tool.

Performance Considerations


Last update: June 15, 2019