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Problem Solving as Search

Extra knowledge beyond the search space is called heuristic knowledge

Problem Description

We consider problems where an agent

  • has a state-based representation of its environment
  • can observe with certainty which state it is in
  • has a certain goal it wants to achieve
  • can execute actions that have definite effects (no uncertainty)

Agent needs to find a sequence of actions leading to a goal state

  • A state in which its goal is achieved


Problem: re-arange tiles into goal configuration


  • 362.880 states (9!)

  • Actions: move_ up/down/left/right

State-Space Problem

Consists of:

  • A set of states
  • A subset of start states
  • A set of actions (not all available at all states)
  • An action function that for a given state s and action a returns the state reached when executing a in s
  • A goal test that for any state s returns the boolean value goal(s) (true if s is a goal state)
  • (Optional) A cost function on actions
  • (Optional) A value function on goal states

A Solution consists of:

  • For any given start state, a sequence of actions that lead to a goal state
  • (optional) a sequence of actions with minimal cost
  • (optional) a sequence of actions leading to a goal state with maximal value


Se AD1 - Graph Theory

Se PM, 3.3.1: Formalizing Graph Searching


A directed graph consists of

  • A set of nodes
  • A set of arcs (ordered in pairs of nodes)

Further terminology:

  • n_2 is a neighbor of n_4 (not the other way round!)
  • n_3, n_4, n_2, n_5 is a path from n_3 to n_5
  • n_2, n_5, n_4, n_2 is a path that is a cycle
  • a graph is acyclic if it has no cycles

Example 1

  • Nodes: states
  • Arcs: possible state-transitions from actions (can be labeled with actions)


Example 2


A state-space problem can be solved by searching in the state-space graph for paths from start states to a goal state

  • Does not require the whole graph at once
    • Search may only locally generate neighbors of currently visited node

From Graph to Search Tree


  • Search tree represents how we can navigate the state-space graph


  • Red nodes are nodes that we can explore from where we are now (frontier or fringe)

Generic Search Algorithm


AD1 - Depth-First Search



  • Space used is linear in the length of the current path
  • May not terminate if state-space graph has cycles
  • With a forward branching factor bounded by b and depth n, the worst-case time complexity of a finite tree is b^n

AD1 - Breadth-First Search



  • Will always find a solution if one exists
  • Size of frontier always increases during search up to order of magnitude of total size of search tree

  • Can be adapted to find a minimum cost path

Problem With Cost Function

  • Assume that for each action at each state we have an associated cost
  • The cost of a solution is the sum of the costs of all actions on the path from start to goal
  • A minimum cost solution is a solution with minimal cost



Breadth-first finds the shortests, but not the cheapest solution

Depth-first may find either, depending on order of neighbor enumeration

Simple modification of generic.

  • With each path in frontier store the cost of path
  • Modify one line of code
    • select and remove path <n_0,\dots,n_k> $\color{red}\text{with minimal cost} $ from Frontier


  • If all actions have non-zero cost, and solution exists, a minimal cost solution will be found
  • Space requirement depends on cost structure, but usually similar to breadth-first


  • Termination guarantee of breadth-first seach
  • Space efficiency of depth-first search


Set a k-value, do depth-first search till k layers deep.

Increase k, repeat



  • Has desired termination and space efficiency properties
  • Duplicates computations (depth-bounded search k repeats computations of depth-bounded search k-1).
    • Not as problematic as it looks: constant overhead of (b/(b-1))

3.5 Uninformed Search Strategies

  • Depth-first, Breadth-first and Iterative deepening are uninformed search strategies:
    • They do not assume/use any knowledge of the search space exept the pure graph structure.

Actual Cost

Given a cost function on actions, can define for any node n in the search tree:

  • opt(n) = cost of optimal path from n to a goal state
    • Infinite if no path to goal exists
  • opt function can usually not be computed
  • opt(n) only depends on the state at node n

Heuristic Function

A heuristic function h(n) takes a node n and returns a non-negative real number.

  • This number is an estimate of the cost of the least-cost path from node n to a goal node
    • h(n)\leq opt(n)

h(n) is an admissible heuristic if h(n) is always less than or equal to the actual cost.

An example could be that h(n) could be the cost if we could move through walls.

Simple use of heuristic function is heuristic depth-first search.

  • Selects the locally best path, but explores all paths from that before it selects another path.
  • Often used, but suffers the problems of depth-first search.

Another use is greedy best-first search

  • Always select a path on the frontier with the lowest heuristic value.
  • Sometimes work well, but sometimes uses paths that looks promising in the beginning.


Figure 3.9

"Consider the graph shown in Figure 3.9, drawn to scale, where the cost of an arc is its length. The aim is to find the shortest path from s to g. Suppose the Euclidean straight line distance to the goal g is used as the heuristic function. A heuristic depth-first search will select the node below s and will never terminate. Similarly, because all of the nodes below s look good, a greedy best-first search will cycle between them, never trying an alternate route from g."

3.6.1 A* Search

Uses both path cost (as lowest-cost-first), and heuristic information (as greedy best-first search).

  • For each path on the frontier, A* uses an estimate of the total path cost from the start node to a goal node constrained to follow that path initially.
  • Uses cost(p), the cost of the path found
  • As well as h(p), the estimated cost from the end of p to the goal.

For any path p on the frontier, define: $$ f(p)=cost(p)+h(p) $$ This is an estimate of the total path cost to follow path p then go to a goal node.

  • If n is the node at the end of path p, this can be depicted as:
\underbrace{\underbrace{\text{start}\ \underrightarrow{\text{actual}}}_{cost(p)} \ n\ \underbrace{\underrightarrow{\text{estimate}} \ \text{goal}}_{h(p)}}_{f(p)}

If h(n) is an admissible heuristic, and so never overestimates the cost from node n to a goal node, then f(p) does not overestimate the path cost of going from the start node to a goal node via p

A^* is implemented using the Generic search algorithm, treating the frontier as a priority queue ordered by f(p)

Example 3.15


A search algorithm is admissible if, whenever a solution exists, it returns an optimal solution.

A* Admissiblity

Proposition 3.1

If there is a solution, A* using heuristic function h always returns an optimal solution if:

  • The branching factor is finite (each node has a bounded number of neighbors)
  • All arc costs are greater than some \epsilon > 0
  • h is an admissible heuristic, meaning that h(n) is less than or equal to the actual cost of the lowest-cost path from node n to a goal node.

See link for proof.

Dynamic Programming

For statically stored graphs, build a table of dist(n) the actual distance of the shortest path from node n to a goal.

This can be built backwards from the goal:

\begin{align*} dist(n)=\left\{ \begin{array} \ 0 &\text{if } is\_goal(n) \\ \min_{\langle n,m\rangle\in A}(|\langle n,m\rangle|+dist(m)) & \text{otherwise} \end{array} \right. \end{align*}




Two main problems:

  • You need enough space to store the graph
  • The dist function needs to be recomputed for each goal

Pruning the Search Space

3.7.1 Cycle Pruning

  • A seacher can prune a path that ends in a node already on the path, without removing an optimal solution
  • Using depth-first methods, with the graph explicitly stored, this can be done in constant time.
  • For other methods, the cost ins linear in path length


Last update: January 7, 2020