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Constraints Satisfaction Problems

Features and Variables

Describing the world (environment) by features:


A possible world for a set of variables is an assignment of a value to each variable.

Example (Cooking):


Constraint Satisfaction Problems

A constraint is a condition on the values of variables in a possible world.

Can be specified with:

Extensional Constraint Specification

Explicitly list all allowed (or disallowed) combination of values:


Not on the list of allowed possible worlds:


Intensional Constraint Specification

Use logical expressions:

\begin{align*} Teacher\_AD=Teacher\_MI \to Time\_AD \neq Time\_MI\\ Time\_AD = Time\_MI \to Room\_AD \neq Room\_MI \end{align*}
  • If teacher for AD and MI is the same, then the time of AD cannot be the same as time of MI.

Example: Sudoku





A Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) is given by

  • a set of variables
  • a set of constraints (usually intensional)

A solution to a CSP consists of a possible world that satisfies all the constraints (also called a model of the constraints)

CSP as State Space Problem

A CSP can be represented as a state space problem:

  • States are all partial assignments of values to variables that are consistent with the constraints
  • For a state s: select some variable V not assigned a value in s, and let the neighbors of s be all states that assign a value to V (if any exist)
  • The start state is the state that does not assign any values
  • A goal state is a state that assigns values to all variables

Solving the CSP

  • A solution to the state space problem is a path with a goal state at the end:

    • A solution to the CSP problem
  • To solve the state space problem need only be able to:

    • enumerate all partial assignments that assign a value to one or more variable than s
    • check whether a partial assignment is consistent with the constraints

    (That is sufficient to implement the get_neighbors and goal functions needed in the generic search algorithm)



Consistency Algorithms



Constraint Network


The constraint network for a CSP consists of:

  • 1 (oval) node for each variable X
  • 1 (rectangular) node for each constraint c
  • An (undirected) arc \langle X,c \rangle between every constraint and every variable involved in the constraint

With each variable node X is associated a (reduced) domain D_X:

  • Initially the domain of the variable
  • Reduced by successively deleting values that cannot be part of a solution

Arc Consistency

An arc \langle X,c \rangle is arc consistent, if

  • For all x\in D_X there exists values y_i,...,y_k for the other variables involved in c, such that x,y_i,...,y_k is consistent with c

A constraint network is arc consistent, if all its arcs are arc consistent




Algorithm Outline


Example: Slide 18 (Appendix of this page)

Algorithm Outcomes

Algorithm is guaranteed to terminate. Result independent of order in which arcs are processed.

Possible cases at termination:

  • D_X=\empty for some X:

    • CSP has no solution
  • D_X contains exactly one value for each X:

    • CSP has unique solution, given by the D_X values.
  • Other
    • If the CSP has a solution, then the solution can only consist of current D_X values

Variable Elimination

  • Simplify problem by eliminating variables

Operates on extensional (table) representations of constraints


Algorithm requires projection and join operations on tables




Given two tables r_1, r_2 for variables vars_1,vars_2.

The join is the table r_3=r_1 \bowtie r_2 for variables vars_1 \cup vars_2 that

  • contains all tuples, which restricted to vars_1 are in r_1, and restricted to vars_2 are in r_2


Algorithm Outline


Example slide 24 (Appendix of this page)


  • The algorithm terminates
  • The CSP has a solution if and only if the final constraint is non-empty
  • The set of all solutions can be generated by joining the final constraint with the intermediate "summarizing" constraint generated in line 5.
  • Algorithm operates on extensional constraint representations, therefore
    • constraints must not contain too many tuples (initial and constructed constraints)
  • Worst case: VE is not more efficient than enumerating all possible worlds and checking whether they are solutions
Constraint Graph

Consider the graph where

  • there is one node for each variable
  • two variables are connected when they appear together in one constraint


Then VE will work better if the constraint graph is sparsely connected!

So far all methods systematically explored the state space (possible worlds)

Problem: Time and space when search space is large

Local Search approach:

  • Explore state space without "bookkeeping" (where have we been, and what needs to be explored?)
  • no success/terminatiuon guarantees
  • in practice, often the only thing that works

Another state space graph representation for CSPs:

  • Nodes are possible worlds
  • Neighbors are possible worlds that differ in the value of exactly one variable


Algorithm Outline

select some node in state space graph as current_state
while current_state is not a solution
    current_state = some neighbor of current_state
  • Make choices in line 1. and 3. completely random
  • "Random Walk"
  • Unlikely to find a solution if state space is large with only a few solutions

AKA Hill Climbing.

  • Use an evaluation function on states
    • Example: number of constraints not satisfied by state
  • Always choose neighbor with minimal evaluation function value
  • Terminates when all neighbors have higher value than current state
    • (Current state is a local minimum)

Possible greedy search paths starting from different states:



Search terminates with local minimum of evaluation function. This may not be a solution to the CSP

Solution Approaches
  • Random restarts
    • repeat greedy search with several randomly chosen initial states
  • Random moves
    • combine greedy moves with random steps


a) Small number of random restarts will find global minimum

b) Make random move when local minimum reached


Local Seach

  • Maintain an assignment of a value to each variable
  • At each step, select a "neighbor" of the current assignment (e.g. one that improves some heuristic value)
  • Stop when a satisfying assignement is found, or return the best assignment found


  • What is a neighbor?
  • Which neighbor should be selected?

Most Improving Step

Select the variable-value pair that gives the highest improvement

  • Maintain a priority queue with variable-value pairs not part of the current assignment
  • Weight\langle X,v \rangle=eval(current\ assignment)-eval(current\ assignment\ but\ with\ X=v)
  • If X is given a new value, update the weight of all pairs participating in a changed constraint

Two-Stage Choice

  1. Choose variable
  2. Choose state

Data Structure

  • Maintain priority queue of variables; weight is the number of participating conflicts
  • After selecting a variable, pick the value minimizes the number of conflicts
  • Update weights of variables that participate in a conflict that is changed

Simulated Annealing


  • Pick a variable at random and a new value at random
  • If it is an improvement, adopt it.
  • If it isnt an improvement, adopt it probabilistically depending on a temperature paramenter, T
    • With current assignment n and proposed assignment n' we move to n' with probability:
  • Reduce the temperature

Probability of Accepting a Change


Propositional Logic Basics

Provides a formal language for representing constraints on binary variables


Atomic Propositions

Convention: Start with lowercase letter




A set of propositions is also called a Knowledge Base


"If it rains I'll take my umbrella, or I'll stay home"

rains\to(umbrella \or home)



An interpretation \pi for a set of atomic propositions a_1,a_2,...,a_n is an assignment of a truth value to each proposition

  • Equal to possible world when atomic propositions seen as boolean variables

An interpretation defines a thruth value for all propositions



A model of a proposition (knowledge base) is an interpretation in which the proposition is true

Propositions as constraints: a model is a possible world that satisfies the constraint

Logical Consequence

A proposition g is a logical consequence of a knowledge base KB, if every model of KB is a model of g

KB \models g

(Whenever KB is true, then g is also true)


KB=\{man\to mortal,man\} then:

KB\models mortal


Last update: January 7, 2020