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Planning Under Uncertainty

Preferences and Utility

Agent chooses actions based on outcome.

  • Whatever the agent has preferences over.
  • If it does not prefer any outcome, it doesn't matter what it does.

Assume finite number of outcomes.

Weakly Preferred

Suppose o_1 and o_2 are outcomes. We say that o_1 is weakly preferred to o_2, written $o_1 \succeq o_2 $, if o_1 is at least as desirable as o_2

Equally Preferred

Define o_1 \sim o_2 if o_1 \succeq o_2 and o_2 \succeq o_1.

  • They are equally preferred
  • The agent is indifferent between o_1 and o_2

Strictly Preferred

Define o_1 \succ o_2 to mean o_1 \succeq o_2 and o_2 \nsucceq o_1

  • We say o_1 is strictly preferred to outcome o_2

A lottery is defined to be a finite distribution over outcomes, written:

[p_1:o_1,p_2:o_2,\dots , p_k:o_k]

where each o_i is an outcome and p_i is a non-negative real number such that \sum_ip_i=1

The lottery specifies that outcome o_i occurs with probability p_i.

Axiom 9.1 - Completeness

An agent has preference between all pairs of outcomes:

o_1 \succeq o_2\ or\ o_2 \succeq o_1

Axiom 9.2 - Transitivity

Preferences must be transitive:

if\ o_1 \succeq o_2\ and\ o_2 \succeq o_3\ then\ o_1 \succeq o_3

Axiom 9.3 - Monotonicity

An agent prefers a larger chance of getting a better outcome than a smaller chance of getting the better outcome. That is, if o_1\succ o_2 and p>q then

[p:o_1, (1-p): o_2] \succ [q:o_1, (1-q):o_2]


A lottery is a probability distribution over outcomes, e.g.:

  • [0.4:\$100,0.6:-\$20] means you win $100 with probability 0.4, and loose $20 with probability 0.6
  • [0.3:00,0.5:7,0.2:10]

Preference between lotteries with "money outcomes" are not always determined by expected monetary value.

Preference from Utilities

A classical result:

If preferences between lotteries obey a certain set of plausible rules, then there exists an assignment of real numbers (utilities) to all outcomes, such that one lottery is preferredover another if and only if it has a higher expected utility**



Utility function of a risk-averse agent:


Ensurance Example

Assume Utility(\$999k)=0.9997 image-20200106195330997

Then agent is indifferent between lotteries


and prefers



  • right lottery: 0.03 risk of loosing a $ 1000k property
  • left lottery: buying insurance against that risk for $ 600

The insurance company prefers


\leadsto the insurance company has a different utility function (near linear).


Factored Utility

Two compont utility function:


Utility of full outcome (state) is sum of utility factors:


Assumption: The utility contribution from one factor is independent of the values of other factors. E.g.: (rhc,swc) should perhaps be worth less than 5 when at the same time (mr, mw), because mail needs to be delivered first (the two utility factors are substitutes)

Single Stage Decision Networks

Simple decisions can be seen as choices over lotteries.


Decisions, outcomes, and utilities can all be composed of features or factors:

Two components of decision: prepare some / all, start preparations sooner / later

Two utility factors: utility of grade, and utility (cost) of preparation time

Outcome composed of Grade, Attempt


Graph represents:

  • One utility factor depends on Attempt and Grade, another only on Start
  • Both the Prepare and Start decision influence the probabilities for Grade

In General

A Single-Stage Decision Network (SSDN) is a directed acyclic graph with three types of nodes:

  • Decision nodes \bold D
  • Chance Nodes \bold C
  • Utility Nodes \bold U


The graph must have the following structure:

  • All decision nodes are connected in one linear sequence (representing the order in which the different sub-decisions are taken)
  • The only parent of a decision node is its predecessor in the order
  • Chance Nodes can have Decision Node and Chance Node parent
  • Utility nodes can have decision node and chance node parents


  • No table is associated with decision nodes (only the list of available decisions)
  • A chance node is labeled with a conditional probability table that specifies for each value assignment to its parents (decision and chance nodes) a probability distribution over thedomain of the chance node.
  • A utility node is labeled with a utility table that specifies for each value assignment to its parents (decision and chance nodes) a utility value


A possible world \omega is an assignment of values to all decision and chance variables.

An SSDN defines:

  • For each assignment \bold D = \bold d of values to the decision nodes a probability distribution

    • P(\omega \mid \bold D = \bold d)

    over possible worlds

  • For each possible world \omega a utility value

    • U(\omega)

Solving an SSDN

To solve an SSDN means to find the decisions \bold d that maximize the expected utility $$ \varepsilon(U\mid \bold D = \bold d)=\sum_\omega U(\omega)P(\omega \mid \bold D = \bold d) $$

Robot Example


Solving By (Chance) Variable Elimination


Sequential Decisions

SSDNs are generalized to sequential decision problems by.

  • Several decisions are taken (in fixed order)
  • Some chance variables may be observed before the next decision is taken


  • Doctor first decides which test to perform, then observes test outcome, then decides which treatment to prescribe
  • Before we decide to take the umbrella with us, we observe the weather forecast
  • A company first decides whether to develop a certain product, then observes the customer reaction in a test market, then decides whether to go into full production.

Example: Fire Scenario


Decision Function

A Decision Function for a decision node D is an assignment of a decision d to each possible configuration of D's parents.


A Policy \pi consists of one decision function for each decision node.

  • General strategy for actions (decisions), taking into account the possible (uncertain) effects of previous actions


As before: possible worlds \omega are assignments for all decision and chance variables.

  • A policy \pi defines a probability distribution

    $$ P(\omega \mid \pi) $$ over possible worlds:

    • If \omega contains assignments to a decision node D and its parents which is not consistent with the decision function for D
      • \to P(\omega \mid \pi) = 0
    • otherwise P(\omega\mid\pi) is the product of all conditional probability values for the assignments to chance nodes C, givenb the assignment to the parents of C
  • Each possible world has a utility

  • Obtain expected utility of a policy

\varepsilon(U\mid \pi)=\sum_\omega U(\omega)P(\omega\mid\pi)

An optimal policy is a policy with maximal expected utility (among all possible policies)

Solving Sequential Decision Problems




We now have a new decision problem with one decision less. This decision problem can be solved using the same procedure until no decisions are left.


  • Given values assigned to its parents, the last decision node can be seen as a single-stage decision
  • When all decisions following a given decision D are taken according to fixed decision rules, then D also behaves like a single-stage decision
  • Backwards stragegy
    • find the decision rule for the last decision D that is not yet eliminated
    • eliminate D by replacing it with the resulting utlity factor
  • Form way of "What would I do if ..." reasoning

Variable Elimination


Value of Information

Question: what is it worth to know the exact state of Forecast F when making decision Umbrella?

Answer: Compare maximal expected utilities of


Question: what is it worth to know the exact state of a random variable C when making decision D?

Answer: Compute

  • the expected value val_0 of optimal policy in given decision network
  • the expected value val_1 of optimal policy in midified decision network
    • add an edge from C to D and all subsequent decisions
  • val_1-val_0 is the value of knowing C


  • Value of information is always non-negative
  • Value of knowing C for decision D is zero, if no observed value of C can change the decision rule, i.e. for all values \bold p of existing parents of D, and all values c of C, the optimal decision given (\bold p,c) is the same as the optimal decision given (\bold p)

Last update: January 7, 2020