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Dynamic Programming


Intended Learning Outcome

  • To understand the principles of dynamic programming.
    • Overlapping sub-problems and optimal sub-structure.
    • Top-down with memoization and bottom-up.
  • To understand the DP algorithm for edit distance.
  • To be able to apply the DP algorithm design technique.

Dynamic Programming

  • A powerful technique to solve optimization problems.
  • An optimization problem can have many possible solutions, each solution has a value, and we wish to find a solution with the optimal (i.e., minimum or maximum) value.
  • An algorithm should compute the optimal value plus, if needed, an optimal solution.

Two Key Characteristics of DP

Overlapping sub-problems

  • Sub-problems share sub-sub-problems.
  • A divide-and-conquer algorithm does more work than necessary, as it needs to repeatedly solve the common sub-sub-problems.

Optimal Substructure

  • The optimal solution to a problem incorporates optimal solutions to sub-problems.
  • Un-weighted shortest path (YES)
    • Shortest path A=<q,r,t> from q to t.
    • Sub-paths of A, <q,r> and <r,t>, are also the shortest path
  • Un-weighted longest simple path. (NO)
    • Longest path B =<q,r,t> from q to t.
    • Sub-paths of B, <q,r> and <r,t> may not be the longest paths


  • <q,s,t,r>
  • <r,q,s,t>

Two approaches of DP

Top-down with memoization

  • Solve each sub-problem only once and store the answers to the solved sub-problems in a table.
  • Next time, when you need to solve a solved sub-problem, just look up the table to get the answer.

Bottom-up with recursion

  • Depending on some natural notion on the size of a sub-problem.

  • Solving any particular sub-problem depends only on solving smaller sub-problems.

  • Sort the sub-problems by size and solve them in size order, smallest first. And save the solutions.

Pros and Cons

  • Both should have the same asymptotic running time.
  • If all sub-problems must be solved, memoization (recursion) is usually slower (by a constant factor) than Bottom-up (loops).
  • If not all sub-problems need to be solved, memoization only solves the necessary ones.

Structure of DP


Recurrence for the optimal value

  • What are the sub-problems?

  • Which choices have to be considered in order to solve a sub-problem?

  • How are the trivial sub-problems solved?

  • Write a memoized version of the algorithm or in which order do we have to solve the sub-problems (bottom-up)

    Constructing a solution

  • Remember the (optimal) choices made

  • Use the remembered choices to construct a solution


  • How many different sub-problems are there in total?
  • How many choices have to be considered when solving each subproblem?

Edit Distance Problem


  • Two strings s[1..m] and t[1..n]
  • Find edit distance dist(s,t) between the two input strings s and t.
    • The smallest number of edit operations that turns s into t
  • Edit operations:
    • Replace one letter with another
    • Delete one letter
    • Insert one letter


  • "ghost" into "house"
ghost   -   delete g
host    -   insert u
houst   -   replace t by e

Two Cases

The last letters in s and t are different, e.g., s=milk t=windy

  • Option 1: Replace k by y, dist(s, t)=dist(mil, wind)+1
  • Option 2: Delete k, dist(s, t) = dist(mil, windy)+1
  • Option 3: Insert y in the end of s, dist(s, t) = dist(milk, wind)+1
  • dist(s, t) = min (dist(mil, wind)+1, dist(mil, windy)+1, dist(milk, wind)+1)

The last letters in s and t are the same, e.g., s=milk t=link

  • Option 1: Keep k, dist(s, t)=dist(mil, lin)
  • Option 2: Delete k, dist(s, t) = dist(mil, link)+1
  • Option 3: Insert k in the end, dist(s, t) = dist(milk, lin)+1
  • dist(s, t) = min (dist(mil, lin), dist(mil, link)+1, dist(milk, lin)+1)

Optimal sub-structure for edit distance?

  • YES! The optimal solution to a problem incorporates optimal solutions to sub-problems


d_{i,j} = dist (s [1..i ], t [1..j ])

  • then dist(s,t)=d_{m,n}

Let’s look at the last symbol: s [i ] and t [j ]. There are three options, do whatever is the cheapest:

  • Option 1
    • If s [i ] = t [j ], then turn s [1..i-1] to t [1..j-1]
      • milk,link:d_{i,j}=d_{i-1,j-1}
    • Else replace s[i] by t[j] and turn s[1..i-1] to t[1..j-1]
      • milk,windy; {\color{darkred}{mil}}y, {\color{darkred}{wind}}y:d_{i,j}=1+d_{i-1,j-1}
  • Option 2 - Delete
    • Delete s[i] and turn s[1..i-1] into t[1..j]
      • milk, windy; {\color{darkred} mil}, {\color{darkred}windy}: d_{i,j}=1+d_{i-1,j}
  • Option 3 - Insert
    • Insert t[j] at the end of s[1..i] and turn s[1..i] to t[1..j-1]
      • milk, windy; \dr{milk}y, \dr{wind}y: d_{i,j}=1+d_{i,j-1}

Recurrence, Optimal Substructure


How do we solve trivial sub-problems?

  • To turn empty string to t [1..j ], do j inserts
  • To turn s [1..i ] to empty string, do i deletes

DP Algorithm - Memoization



  • How many different sub-problems are there in total?
    • n*m
  • How many choices have to be considered when solving each subproblem?
    • 3 (copy/replace, insert, and delete)
  • Thus, Θ(nm)

If we solve editor distance in a naïve D&C manner, what is the complexity?

  • Exponential runtime.

DP Algorithm - Bottom-up




Last update: June 3, 2020