All-pairs Shortest Paths (Dynamic Programming)¶
Intended Learning Outcome
- Adjacency matrix and distance/predecessor matrix
- Repeated squaring and Floyd-Warshall algorithm
- Definition of transitive closure of a directed graph
All-pairs Shortest Paths¶
Shortest paths between all pairs of vertices in a graph.
How to solve the problem efficiently?
- Repeatedly run one-to-all shortest paths |V| times.
- Repeated squaring algorithm
- Floyd-Warshall algorithm
Representing a Graph¶
Graph G=(V,E,W)
Adjacency list vs Adjacency matrix
Adjacency List¶
Total space: \Theta(|V|+|E|)
Adjacency Matrix¶
One-to-All Shortest Path¶
- Directed, weighted graph G=(V,E,W)
- Source vertex s
Shortest-path weight
\delta(u,v)= \left\{
\min\{w(p):u\overset{p}{\leadsto} v\} & \mbox{if there is a path from }u\mbox{ to }v,\\
\infty & \mbox{otherwise}.
\end{array} \right.
- A set of vertices S, |S|=|V|
- Each u\in S: u.d() and u.parent()
- Not reachable: u.d()=\infty
Relaxing Technique¶
Relaxing an edge (u,v)
- u.d() + w(u,v) vs v.d()
- Improve the existing shortest path from s to v
Dijkstra's Algorithm¶
Complexity depends on how to implement the min-priority queue
- binary min-heap
All-pairs Shortest Path¶
Let n=|V|
Adjacency matrix W \in R^{n\times n} where
- w_{ij}=0 if i=j
- w_{ij}>0 if i\neq j and edge (i,j)\in E
- w_{ij}= \infty if i\neq j and edge (i,j) \notin E
- Distance matrix D \in R^{n\times n} where
- d_{ij}= \delta(i,j): the shortest path weight from vertex i to vertex j
- Predecessor matrix P\in R ^{n\times n} where
- i-th row == shortest-path tree rooted at vertex i
- One-to-all shortest paths
- p_{ij}=Nil if
- i=j or
- no path from vertex i to j
- p_{ij}=j.parent()
- Vertex j's parent on the shortest path from vertex i to vertex j
- i-th row == shortest-path tree rooted at vertex i
Base Case¶
- the minimum weight of any path from vertex i to vertex j that contains at most \mathbf m edges
Matrices L^{(m)}=\left(l^{(m)}_{ij}\right)\in R^{n\times n},\quad m\in [0,n-1], where n=|V|
Recursive Case¶
m\geq 1
Intuition of obtaining l^{(m)}_{ij}
- l^{(m-1)}_{ik} shortest path weight from i to k using at most m-1 edges
- Extend the shortest path i \leadsto k with one more edge (k,j)
- l^{(m-1)}_{ik}+w_{kj}
- 1 \leq k \leq n
- l^{(m)}_{ij} = get minimum = shortest path weight from i to j
Distance Matrix¶
Matrices L^{(m)}=\left(l^{(m)}_{ij}\right)\in R^{n\times n},\quad m\in [0,n-1], where n=|V|
Final distance matrix L^{(n-1)}_{ij}
- Path p=<v_i,v_i+1,\dots,v_j>
- Simple: distinct vertices on the path
- At most n-1 edges
Shortest path weights
Last update:
June 3, 2020