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Greedy Algorithms

We look at the Activity Selection Problem

Activity Selection


  • A set of n activities, each with start and end times s_i and f_i
    • The i-th activity lasts during the period [s_i,f_i)


  • The largest subset of mutually compatible activities
  • Activities are compatible if their intervals do not intersect



  • Sort activities in A on the end time
    • We also assume "sentinel" activities a_0 and a_{n+1}


  • S_{i,j}: a set of activities that start after activity a_i finishes, and that finish before activity a_j starts
    • S_{2,11}=\{a_4, a_6, a_7, a_8, a_9\}
      • Start after a_2.f=5 and finish before a_{11}.s=12. Interval [5,12)
    • S_{0,12}=\{a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4,a_5,a_6,a_7,a_8,a_9,a_{10},a_{11}\}
      • Start after a_0.f=-100 and finish before a_{12}.s=100. Interval [-100,100)
  • M_{i,j}: a maximum set of mutually compatible activities in S_{i,j}
  • C_{i,j}: the cardinality of M{i,j}

Activity Selection: identify C_{0, n+1} (and M_{0,n+1})

Greedy Algorithm

Greedy Strategy

What if we only consider "the best" (as of now) activity and be sure that it belongs to an optimal solution

  • Choose the activity that finishes first in S_{i,j}
    • Intuition: leave as much time as possible for other activities
    • Then, solve only one sub-problem for the remaining activities

Greedy Algorithm


  • Assume that we have n activities in total
  • Return the maximum-size set of mutually compatible activities in S_{i,n+1}
  • In the beginning, we call MaxN(A,0) that returns the maximum-size set of mutually compatible activities in S_{0,n+1}


The found activity a_m that finishes first must belong to the maximum-size set of mutually compatible activities.

Then, we only need to consider activities in S_{m,n+1}.



  • MaxN(A,0), A[1] is chosen, so \{a_1\}
    • A[1] is the activity that finishes first from S_{0,4}
  • MaxN(A,1), A[3] is chosen, so \{a_1, a_3\}
    • A[3] is the activity that finishes first from S_{1,4}
  • MaxN(A,3), nothing is chosen, so still \{a_1,a_3\}

\{a_1, a_3\} is the maximum-size set of mutually compatible activities


Why the activity that finishes first must be in the maximum-size set of mutually compatible activities

  • Consider any nonempty sub-problem S_{ij} and let a_x be an activity in S_{ij} with the earliest finish time

  • Let M_{ij} be a maximum-size set of mutually compatible activities in S_{ij}

    Let a_y be the activity in M_{ij} with the earliest finish time

  • Lucky: if a_x = a_y we have proved that a_x belongs to a maximum-size set of mutually compatible activities

  • Unlucky: If not, be replacing a_y by a_x, M_{ij} is still a maximum-size set of mutually compatible activities

    • a_x.f \leq a_y.f


  • M_{0,4}=\{a_2, a_3\} replacing a_2 with a_1, all activities in \{a_1,a_3\} are still compatible, and thus it is still a maximum-size set

Greedy Exchange

It is a different proof technique compared to contradiction or induction.

Greedy exchange is often used in proving the correctness of greedy algorithms.

  • Assume that we already have an optimal solution that is produced by any other optimal algorithm.
    • M_{ij} in our previous proof
  • We show that it is possible to incrementally modify the optimal solution into the solution produced by our greedy algorithm in such a way that does not worsen the solution’s quality.
    • Replace a_y with a_x, still compatible and with the same cardinality
  • Thus, the quality of our greedy solution is at least as small as that of any other optimal solution.

Greedy Choice Property

We can assemble a globally optimal solution by making locally optimal (greedy) choices.

  • We need to prove that there is always an optimal solution to the original problem that includes the greedy choice, so that the greedy choice is always safe.

The challenge is to choose the right interpretation of “the best choice”:

  • How about the activity that starts first?
  • The shortest activity?
  • The activity that overlaps the smallest number of the remaining activities?

The activity that starts first?


  • \{a_2, a_3\}, but not a_1 that starts first.

The shortest activity?


  • \{a_1, a_2, a_3\}, but not a_4 that is the shortest activity

The activity that overlaps the smallest number of the remaining activities?


  • The second row gives the maximum-size set of mutually compatible activities, but it does not include the activity with the smallest overlaps, i.e., the one with 2

Principles of Greedy Algorithms

  • First, we need to show the optimal sub-structure property
    • Like with DP
  • The main challenge is to decide the interpretation of “the best” so that it leads to a global optimal solution, i.e., proving the greedy choice property
    • Or you find counter-examples demonstrating that your greedy choice does not lead to a global optimal solution.
  • Greedy exchange is a useful proof technique for proving the greedy choice property.

Last update: June 7, 2020