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Amortized Analysis

The Problem Setting

  • We have a data structure
  • We perform a sequence of operations on the data structure
  • Operations may be of different types (e.g. insertions, deletions)
  • Depending on the state of the structure the actual cost of an operation may differ (e.g. inserting into a sorted array)
  • Just analyzing the worst-case time of a single operation may not say too much
  • We want the amortized running time of an operation

Accounting Method

Charge different operations with different amortized costs

  • Some operations charged more than they actually cost.
  • Some operations charged less than they actually cost.

If amortized cost (\hat c_i) > actual cost (c_i), store the remained amount on specific objects as credit

If amortized cost (\hat c_i) < actual cost (c_i), use credit to compensate

Last update: June 5, 2020