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Computational Geometry Data Structures: Range Searching


Queries in a database can be interpreted geometrically


Important Factors in Analysis

  • Run time for building the data structure
  • Run time for processing range searches
  • Additional space that the data structure takes

1-Dimensional Range Searching

Let P:=\{p_1,p_2,\dots,p_n\} be the given set of points on the real line.

We can solve the range searching problem with a balanced binary search tree \mathcal{T}





Let P be a set of n points in the plane. We assume that no two points in P have the same x-coordinate, and no two points have the same y-coordinate.

A 2-dimensional rectangular range query on P asks for the points from P lying inside a query rectangle [x:x']\times[y:y']

A point p:=(p_x,p_y) lies inside this rectangle if and only if:

p_x\in[x:x']\quad \text{and}\quad p_y\in[y:y'] \nonumber

We could say that a 2-dimensional rectangular range query is composed of two 1-dimensional sub-queries.


At the root we split the set P with a vertical line \ell into two subsets of roughly equal size.

The splitting line is stored at the root. P_\text{left} is stored in the left subtree, and P_\text{right} in the right subtree.

In general, we split with a vertical line at nodes whose depth is even, and we split with a horizontal line at nodes whose depth is odd.


Building a Kd-Tree


  • Sort the points in P w.r.t. their x-coordinates into array X
  • Sort the points in P w.r.t. their y-coordinates into array Y
  • Base case:
    • If P contains only one point, return a leaf with the point
  • Otherwise:
    • Divide into 2 sub-problems and conquer them recursively
      • If the depth is even (split w.r.t. x-axis or a vertical line)
        • Take the median v of X and create a root v_{root}
        • Split X into sorted X_L and X_R and split Y into sorted Y_L and Y_R
          • For any p\in X_L or p\in Y_L, p.x \leq v.x
          • and for any p\in X_R or p\in Y_R, p.x > v.x
        • Build recursively the left child of v_{root} from X_L and Y_L
      • If the depth is odd (split w.r.t. y-axis or a horizontal line)
        • Take the median v of Y and create root v_{root}
        • Split X into sorted X_L and X_R and split Y into sorted Y_L and Y_R
          • For any p\in X_L or p\in Y_L, p.y \leq v.y
          • and for any p\in X_R or p\in Y_R, p.y > v.y
        • Build recursively the right child of v_{root} from X_R and Y_R

Running time: \Theta(n \log n)

Querying a Kd-Tree


A query



It uses a subroutine REPORTSUBTREE(ν), which traverses the subtree rooted at a node ν and reports all the points stored at its leaves.

Running time: O(\sqrt n + k)

Range Trees

Last update: March 2, 2020