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Approximation and Parallelism

Minimization and Maximization Algorithms

Based on the 2017 exam set

More about approximation algorithms in lecture 11 notes

  • Consider a 1.2-approximation algorithm with optimal cost C^* = 100
  • For a minimization problem, the algorithm returns a value that is no larger than C*1.2 = 100 * 1.2 = 120
  • For a maximization problem, the algorithm returns a value that is no smaller than C*1.2 = 100 / 1.2 = 83.3

We have the optimal solution C^* and the approximate solution C.

To calculate the approximation ratio:

  • Minimization problem:
    • C / C^*
    • Example: 120 / 100 = 1.2
  • Maximization problem:
    • C^* / C
    • Example: 100 / 83,3 = 1.2

Vertex Cover Approximation

Based on the 2015 exam set

  • A solution to the vertex cover problem, is a set of vertices so that each edge is defined by a least one of the vertices
    • The minimum vertex cover problem tries to calculate the least amount of vertices that covers all edges
    • An alternative explanation is police men who has to look down a number of streets, where vertices is places they can stand and edges are streets they have to keep an eye on


  • There must always be an even number of vertices in the result, since the algorithm always picks a pair of vertices in line 4 and 5

Perfect Linear Speedup

Based on the 2016 exam set

See more about multithreaded algorithms in lecture 10 notes

  • Slackness = parallelism/number_of_processors
  • Number of processor start at one and increase by one
    • P = number_of_processors
  • Slackness \geq 1 \Rightarrow possible perfect linear speedup
  • Slackness cannot be more than the parallelism
  • If slackness < 1 the possibility of perfect linear speedup is very decreased


Check for Perfect Linear Speedup

  1. If slackness \geq 1 then it is possible to achieve perfect linear speedup
  2. slackness= {parallelism \over P}
  3. parallelism = {T_1 \over T_{\infty}}

Last update: June 6, 2020