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Adjacency matrix

  • Represents the original graph, when related to a graph created by the Floyd-Warshll algorithm
    • Is also equivalent to the D^0 graph

Predecessor matrix

  • Describes the previous visited node to get the specified cost in the distance matrix.
  • When used together with a distance matrix, it describes the cheapest path from i to j. The distance matrix provides the cheapest cost and the predecessor provides how to get the cheapest cost.
  • Each entry P[i][j] represents the last node visited before j when taking the cheapest path from i to j
  • k describes what number of row the algorithm has processed

Distance matrix based on Floyd-Warshall algorithm

Based on the 2015 exam set

  • The overall idea is to create a matrix that describes what the shortest distance between each vertex is

  • Create a matrix of size n*n, where n is the number of vertices

  • Fill out the matrix with the weights between each set of vertices

    • Read numbers along the x-axis as "from x" and numbers from the y-axis as "to y"
      • From x to y
    • A row of 0's will always run down across, since the distance from a vertex to ifself is always 0
    • If it is not possible to go from one vertex to another, write the distance as \infin
    • If the exercise only asks for a single row, i.e the 4th, only fill out the numbers for that row
  • Update each distance between all vertices by using 1 + k number of edges, if the new distance is shorter

    • You can only use vertices \leq k

      • If k=2 we only check shortcuts that go through 1 or 2
    • Step 2 uses only a single edge, that is k = 0

    • If the exercise only asks for a single row, only update numbers for that row
    • Check each field in the matrix and look at the graph to see if there is a faster way than the last path
    • Repeat this step as many times as required by the exercise, specified through k

Last update: June 6, 2020