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Sweeping techniques

Based on the 2016 exam set

  • The idea is to add the points to a list and check if a line is immediately above or below the line. If it is, check if they intersect.
    • If they do, return true and terminate
  • When an endpoint of a line is reached, check if there exists a line immediately above and below the endpoint, check if they intersect (the line above and the line below). Remove the endpoint from the list.
    • If they do, return true and terminate
  • The goal of the algorithm is to check if ANY intersection exists. As such, it will terminate upon finding an intersection.



Graham's vs Jarvis' march

Based on the 2016 exam set

  • When the output H is asymptotically smaller than \lg(n) Jarvis' march is faster
    • H < lg(n): Jarvis

Graham's scan

Based on the 2015 exam set

  • All points are/should be sorted by their angle to P_0
    • The angle is calculated from a horizontal line going out from P_0 in both directions


  1. Push the first 3 points onto the stack

  2. Repeat for all points:

    1. While the next point, called P_i, lies to the right or straight ahead in regards to the top two points on the stack:

      1. Pop the top point on the stack
      2. Check again with the new two top points on the stack

      3. Right and left of a point is defined by the line going through the point on top of the stack and the point before it on to the stack

    2. When making a left turn push P_i on top of the stack and go to 2.1

  3. If all points have been checked, the convex hull should have been finished.

Last update: June 7, 2020