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Question 1 - Distributed Mutual Exclusion

  • What is DME and what are the requirements to a DME algorithm?
  • What are the criteria to evaluate DME algorithms?
  • Explain the centralized, token ring, and Ricart and Agrawala’s algorithms, and compare them. What are their advantages/disadvantages?

What is DME and what are the requirements to a DME algorithm?

Mutual exclusion algorithms ensures that one and only one process can access a shared resource at any given time.


  • Using a printer
    • should only print one document at a time
  • Writing to a file

Distributed mutual exclusion (DME) is mutual exclusion by only sending messages

There 3 requirements to a DME Algorithm

  1. Safety
    • at most one at a time is given access
  2. Liveness
    • requests for access are eventually granted
  3. Ordering / Fairness
    • if A happens before B then A should be granted before B

What are the criteria to evaluate DME algorithms?

We evaluate DME algorithms using the following properties

  • Fault Tolerance
    • what happens if a process crashes?
  • Performance
    • Message complexity
      • how many message to get mutex?
      • how many messages to release?
    • Client delay
      • time from a request until it is granted
    • Synchronization delay
      • time from a release of a mutex until the next request is granted


Explain the centralized, token ring, and Ricart and Agrawala’s algorithms, and compare them. What are their advantages/disadvantages?



In the centralized algorithm we have one external coordinator

  • has an ordered queue

When a process wants mutex, it asks coordinator


Fulfills the safe and liveness requirements.

But it is not ordered in an asynchronous system.

Has entry delay of 2 messages (request + grant) and exit delay of 1 message

The synchronization delay is also 2 (release + grant)

If the either the coordinator or the mutex holder crashes it will lead to a deadlock


It is lightweight in case of messages, but the coordinator quickly becomes a bottleneck.

Token Ring


In the Token Ring Algorithm we have a ring of processes

  • Pass token around in the ring

If a process is not using mutex it passes it to "next"


Also fulfils safe and liveness.

It is still not ordered but it is ordered by ring

Entry delay is 1/2 * n on average and n-1 worst case

Exit delay is 1

Synchronization delay is also 1/2 * n on average and n-1 worst case

If any process crashes it causes a deadlock

  • but if we can detect crashes, we can recover


The algorithm ensures more order than the centralized, and can possibly recover from deadlock.

However, it keeps using bandwidth even when no processes need mutex.

It also scales badly with number of processes.

Ricard and Agrawala's


In the Ricard and Agrawala's algorithm we have a shared priority queue by using Lamport Clocks

  • When a process wants mutex, it requests all and wait for all to accept

Lamport clocks

  • Counts number of messages
  • Piggybacked on messages
  • On send -- Increment local clock
  • On receive -- correct local clock and increment
    • local = \max(local, received) + 1



Ensures both safe, liveness and order.

Entry delay is 1 + 1 multicast messages

Exit delay is likewise 1 + 1 multicast messages

Synchronization delay is 1 message

If any process fails we have a deadlock


Its advantage is that it is ordered, and It has a synchronization delay of 1.

It does however require multicast, and if there is no hardware support, it can lead to 2(n-1) messages for each request.

Last update: January 8, 2021