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Question 4: Consensus

  • Explain the consensus problem
  • Solution in synchronous system
  • Explain what the Byzantine generals problem is.
  • Present impossibility result for 3 Byzantine generals, 1 faulty (argue carefully!)
  • Present the solution for 4 Byzantine generals, 1 faulty.
  • Present clearly your assumptions on system model, failures, and message signing.
  • Discuss impossibility in asynchronous systems and practical workarounds

Explain the consensus problem

Consensus is the ability for a group of processes to agree on one, and only one value

For example in Mutex, we have to agree on who is holding the mutex.

We need it in redundant systems in order.

  • For example in a space ship, there is a possibility of bits flipping, so we have multiple computers, that then has to agree on values.



We have a set of processes p_i \in \{p_0,\dots,p_n\} and each has a decision variable d_i

  • They all start in the undecided state, and proposes a value to each other.
  • Each process then has to agree on a value and set its decision variable d_i


A consensus algorithm has to fulfil the following requirements

  • Termination
    • Eventually a correct process sets its decision variable d_i
  • Agreement
    • The decision values of all correct processes are the same
  • Integrity
    • If all correct processes propose the same value, then any correct process in the decided state decided on that value
  • Weak Integrity
    • The agreed value must be one proposed by a correct process

Solution in synchronous system

  • Takes f+1 rounds -- with timeout
  • At each round less than round f+1 -- b-multicast your value if it has changed
  • When value is received -- set your value to it - if value received is less than your value
  • At round f+1 you have reached consensus
    • all processes has sent their value to all


(image not for slides)

Not possible to make algorithm with that requires less than f+1 rounds

  • If f devices fail -- there can be f faulty rounds
  • we need at least 1 correct round

Explain what the Byzantine generals problem is.


In the Byzantine Generals Problem we have 3 or more generals that has to agree to attack or retreat.

  • One is the commander and gives the order
  • Rest are lieutenants and has to decide on Attack or Retreat

One or more of the generals may be treacherous -- faulty

  • Treacherous commander may propose attack to one and retreat to another
  • Treacherous lieutenants may lie about order from commander

Present impossibility result for 3 Byzantine generals, 1 faulty (argue carefully!)


If we have 3 generals and 1 of them is faulty, it is impossible to detect who is the faulty one.

Lets say that B is faulty.

  • B sends Attack to A -- and retreat to C
  • That means A receives both attack and retreat, and will not know who is faulty

Lets say that C is faulty

  • B sends Attack to both A and C
  • C sends retreat to A
  • Again that means A receives both attack and retreat, and will not know who is faulty

This can be generalized to mean that if 1/3 is faulty we cannot arrive at consensus


Present the solution for 4 Byzantine generals, 1 faulty.


If we have 4 generals and 1 of them is faulty, we can reach agreement.

There are 2 cases

  • A faulty lieutenant
    • in the first round the commander sends the right value to all lieutenants
    • in second round lieutenants send their values to each other, but the faulty one sends different values to each
    • we then take the majority value
  • A faulty commander
    • in the first round the commander sends different values to all lieutenants
    • in second round lieutenants send their values to each other, but everyone receives 3 different values, and they therefore know that the general is faulty

Present clearly your assumptions on system model, failures, and message signing.

We assume that we have

  • reliable communication
  • crash failures and
  • byzantine failures
  • and no signed messages
    • we can have "identity theft"

Discuss impossibility in asynchronous systems and practical workarounds

It has been proved by that no algorithm can guarantee consensus in an asynchronous system.

In asynchronous systems, the communication can be "blocked" indefinitely

  • we cannot know if a process is slow or crashed

Two Army Problem


An example of a consensus problem is the two army problem

  • We have three armies
    • two red
    • one blue
  • The red armies has to attack at the same time
  • They can send message but blue can intercept
  • It is impossible to design a protocol to make sure that both armies attack at same time

Practical workarounds

Masking Faults

We can mask failures, for example by using a checksum with messages to ensure that they are not corrupted

We can also save sufficient data on persistent storage to be able to recover from a crash

Failure Detection

We cannot, by only passing messages, design a perfect failure detector.

We can agree that if a process has not responded within a timeframe we deem it failed.

  • We can then ignore the rest of its messages if it is still working -- fail-silent

We have to be careful with the timeout

  • too low and we ignore usable nodes
  • too high and we potentially has to wait a long time

Problems can arrive if we have network partition


If we introduce some randomness in the process's behavior, so that the system cannot be effectively thwarted.

Paxos if it comes up

  • No coordinator
  • Async system
  • Nodes may crash and recover
    • OK with up to n/2 failures
  • Once a single process decides, all will (eventually) decide the same


  • No guaranteed termination
  • ... but terminates in "reasonable environments"

The Paxos Algorithm

Reaching Consensus with Paxos


  • Once a majority agrees on a proposal, that is the consensus
  • The reached consensus can be eventually known by anyone
  • Processes will agree on any result -- not only own
  • Communication may be faulty -- messages can get lost


  • Paxos defines three roles:
    • Proposers
    • Acceptors
    • Learners
  • Nodes can take multiple roles
  • Paxos nodes must know how many acceptors a majority is
  • Paxos nodes must be persistent: they cant forget what they accepts
  • A Paxos run aims at reaching a single consensus
    • Once consensus is reached, it cannot progress to another consensus
    • In order to reach another consensus, a different Paxos run must happen

The Paxos Algorithm


Majority of Promises




Majority of Accepts


Practical Example - Simple Distributed Storage System


Last update: January 11, 2021