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Question 6 - Big Data Processing

  • Explain the Map Reduce paradigm and programming model
  • Explain the system architecture
  • Explain a concrete example application and how it is executed
  • Explain how to optimize the performance and how worker failures can be handled
  • Describe Spark and Pregel, as difference from Hadoop

Explain the Map Reduce paradigm and programming model

Map Reduce consists of 2 phases -- functions defined by user

  • Map
    • given key-value pairs, produce intermediate key-value pairs
    • Combine values of the same key and send it to reducer
  • Reduce
    • further compress the value set of the same key

Created for processing of large data sets.

Inspired by functional programming

Explain the system architecture

The system consists of 1 master and several mappers and reducers.


The master

  • assigns map and reduce jobs to other workers
  • stores the state of each job
  • stores the location of output files of the jobs


  • First we split the input into pieces
  • Master assigns mappers and reducers
  • Reducers get path of map output from master

Explain a concrete example application and how it is executed

Google Music Example


  • Chunk-servers contains analytics for music played
  • We want to find the most played songs

The master tells each chunk-server to count how many times each song has been played (map-phase)





Explain how to optimize the performance and how worker failures can be handled


  • Locality

    • Worker should be close to the GFS replica storing the data
  • Stragglers

    • slow workers -- nearly always some worker is slow
    • when program near finished
      • in progress tasks are rescheduled at backup worker
      • done when either backup or original is done
  • Barrier synchronization / pipelining
    • whether we can start reducing while mapping

Fault Tolerance

  • The master sends pings to workers
  • If one is idle
    • if its running map task, task is marked idle and rescheduled
    • if its running reduce task two things can happen
      • if task task is in progress, its rescheduled
      • if task is done -- output written to global storage -- done

Describe Spark and Pregel, as difference from Hadoop


Map Reduce is inefficient for applications which reuse intermediate results across multiple computations

Spark uses resilient distributed datasets (RDDs)

  • Immutable, partitioned collections of records (normally in RAM)
  • fault-tolerant, parallel data structures,
  • efficient data reuse

let users

  • explicitly persist intermediate results in memory

RDD does not have to be materialized all the time:

  • store the „lineage“, information about how it was derived from other datasets (operations on RDDs).
    • re-computable


  • black rectangles are already in memory



Pregel is tailored to graph computations

  • scale to billions of vertices, trillions of edges

Keeps intermediate results like spark

Algorithm termination is based on every vertex voting to halt

  • In super-step 0, every vertex is in the active state
  • A vertex deactivates itself by voting to halt
  • A message may re-activate a vertex


Master - worker architecture

  • Master monitors workers and partitions vertices to workers
  • Workers execute at each super-step
    • report number of active vertices to master at end of step

Uses GFS or BigTable for persistent data



Last update: January 11, 2021