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Introduction and Crawlers

What is the web?

Simple definition:

Hyper-linked network of web pages


Number of web-pages indexed by Google estimated by


A page may contain multi-media content

We focus on text in this course (we view web pages as documents of texts)

  • Carries the most important information (in most cases)
  • Techniques used for dealing with text can be adapted to dealing with other types of data (cf. “visual words” in computer vision).

What is web intelligence?

Intelligent ways to extract information and knowledge from the web:

  • I finding relevant information available on the web
  • obtaining new knowledge by analyzing web data: the web itself, but also how it evolves, and how users interact on and with the web

Some applications:

  • Intelligent Search
  • Recommender Systems
  • Business Analytics
  • Crowd Sourcing
  • Not so nice ones:
    • Advertising
    • Manipulation
    • Surveillance

Web Crawlers

Before we can do anything, web data needs to be retrieved and organized:


Crawl(URL set: seeds):
    frontier = seeds
    while frontier != Ø do
        url = get_url(frontier) // select next URL from frontier
        doc = fetch(url)        // pages returned as html source text docs
        index(doc)                          // send doc to indexer

Key design issue

  • the frontier of URLs to be processed
  • selection strategy implementing get_url

Two simplistic solutions

  • frontier as stack
    • leads to depth-first seach
    • Problem
      • can get quickly stuck in "dead end" remote corners of the web
  • frontier as queue
    • leads to breadth-first seach
    • Problem
      • slow progress, lacking politeness

Both are too simple because

  • a pure sequential, single thread architecture will get stuck once a host does not respond (quickly) to a fetch(url) request
  • crawler must implement robustness
    • not get stuck in spider traps, i.e., large, dead-end (uninteresting) web components
      • spider traps "... are generators of web pages that mislead crawlers into getting stuck fetching an infinite number of pages in a particular domain. Crawlers must be designed to be resilient to such traps. Not all such traps are malicious; some are the inadvertent side-effect of faulty website development." Chapter 20
  • crawler must implement politeness
    • not overload a single web server with requests

Crawler Types and Prioritization

Crawlers can have different purposes:

  • Periodic
    • maintain an up-to-date general picture of the web
      • the same pages (URLs) should be revisited periodically
  • Focused
    • map a part of the web pertaining to a particular topic

Implemented by

  • index(doc)
    • maybe not every fetched document needs to be added to the index
  • frontier.add(extract_urls(doc))
    • extracted URLs may be added to the frontier with different priorities
      • URLs that have already been recently visited have a lower priority (periodic crawling)
      • URLs that are less likely to refer to relevant pages have a lower priority (focused crawling)
      • ...


  • Minimum time delay between two request to one host
  • Obey robots.txt file


Text file at top level of domain: Provides instructions to crawlers.

Don’t allow any crawlers to go to /private/ directory:

User-agent: * 
Disallow: /private/

Allow all crawlers all access, except googlebot is not allowed in /tmp/:

User-agent: *
User-agent: googlebot
Disallow: /tmp/

Non-standard extension of robots.txt: request delay between successive visits:

User-agent: bingbot
Crawl-delay: 5

The interpretation of the delay values can be crawler specific

Mercator Frontier

Heydon, A., & Najork, M. (1999). Mercator: A scalable, extensible web crawler. World Wide Web, 2(4), 219-229.


Front queues: for prioritization

Back queues: for politeness

Mercator Front Queues

Fixed number of K FIFO queues:


  • Incoming URLs are assigned a priority value between 1 and K, and enqueued in the corresponding front queue.
  • URLs are extracted by
    • Selecting (e.g. randomized) one of the front queues; higher priority queues are more likely to be selected
    • Dequeuing the head element from the selected queue

Mercator Back Queues

Fixed number of B FIFO queues:


  • Each back queue contains URLs from only one host
  • Each queue/host has an entry in a priority queue (heap) that determines from which back queue the next URL will be extracted
  • Priority value: time stamp at which next request to host can be made at the earliest (following politeness policy)

Getting the next URL:

  • Determine highest priority host
  • Dequeue head element from corresponding queue
  • Update priority value of host

If queue of selected host becomes empty, refill back-queues from front queues as follows

  • Get the next URL url from front queues
  • If url's host already has a back queue: enqueue there
    • otherwise
      • enqueue url in the empty queue
      • update heap and host dictionary
  • Reapeat until queue non-empty

Distributed Crawling

In practice: use multiple crawlers

  • Each crawler has its own URL frontier
  • URLs are distributed over crawlers according to host: each crawler is responsible for a certain set of hosts (e.g. defined by a hash function, or geographically)
  • The frontier.add(extract_urls(doc)) operation must add URLs to the frontier of the relevant crawler

Duplicate Identification

Many web-pages are duplicates or near-duplicates of other pages:

  • Mirrors
  • Identical product descriptions, user manuals, etc. contained on diverse web sites
  • ...

Estimate: as many as 40% of pages have duplicates [Manning et al., 2009]

  • May not want to include all duplicates in index
  • The index(doc) operation may include a prior test whether doc is a (near-)duplicate of an already indexed page

We only consider the texts of the pages!


If we wanted to detect identical texts, things would be relatively easy: construct a hash code

text \to \text{64bit intergers}

such that non-identical texts are unlikely to be mapped to the same integer (1.8\cdot 10^{19} codes vs ~10^{11} web documents).


k-shingles or k-grams

We view text as a set of consecutive sequences of k words:

we view text as a sequence of words
we view text as
     view text as a
                text as a sequence
                         as a sequence of
                                a sequence of words

4-shingle representation:

{ as a sequence of, a sequence of words, text as a sequence, view text as a, we view text as }

  • Order of occurrence of shingles is not included in representation
  • Number of occurrences of a shingle is not included in representation
  • Some pre-processing of raw html text before shingling (e.g.: ignore case, remove html tags)

Assuming a fixed vocabulary of size N there are N^4 different 4-shingles, and we can identify them with the integers 0,\dots,N^4 - 1

[Broder, Andrei Z., et al. "Syntactic clustering of the web." Computer networks and ISDN systems 29.8-13 (1997): 1157-1166.]

Jaccard Coefficient

For any two finite sets A, B, define

J(A,B):=\frac {|A\cap B|} {|A \cup B|}

J(A,B) measures the overlap relative to the total size of the sets


We measure the similarity of text documents d_1, d_2 by the Jaccard Coefficient of their shingle sets S(d_1), S(d_2)


Estimating J(S(d_1), S(d_2)):

  • Let \pi be a random permutation of the integers 0,\dots,N^4 -1
  • For j=1,2: let x_j^\pi:=\min \{\pi(x):x\in S(d_j\}
    • Then:
J(S(d:_1), S(d_2)) = P(x_1^\pi = x_2^\pi)

where P is the probability over the selection of a random permutation \pi


P(x_1^\pi = x_2^\pi) = probability that the minimum value \min \pi(S(d_1)\cup S(d_2)) falls inside S(d_1)\cap S(d_2)= J(S(d_1), S(d_2))

One random permutation does not tell us much, so we take many, e.g. \pi_1,\pi_2,\dots,\pi_{200}

Then characterize every document d_h by its feature vector


called the sketch of d_h:


Now we can approximately estimate the Jaccard Coefficient:


Clustering Documents

Given a collection of documents


Group documents into clusters, so that near-duplicates are in one cluster


(from google)


  • Caution: this does not mean that all documents in a cluster are near-duplicates!
  • Will give useful results only if there are no long near-duplicate paths leading from one document to a totally different one

Naïve Algorithm

Naïve agglomerative single-link clustering using a union-find data structure:


  • line 3: can be approximated using sketches
  • line 4: two find and (at most) one union operation

Complexity is \Theta(N^2) which is already infeasible!

Basic strategy: filter out pairs d_i,d_j for which J(S(d_i), S(d_j)) >t surely will not hold

Filtering with Sketches

Generate pairs of documents whose sketches have at least one component in common:


  • Not counting line 5, the complexity is O(N \log N)
  • Line 5 can stile generate a large number of pairs (think of rather common shingles, e.g. "this is not a")
  • The same pair (d_h,d_{h'}) may be returned for different values of k

From sketches to super-shingles (shingling shingles):


Documents with large sketch overlap are likely to have super-shingles in common

Filtering based on super-shingles:

  • Generate list of \langle \textit{super-shingle, document} \rangle
  • Sort on first component, return pairs of second components

This is quite heuristic!

Last update: December 30, 2020