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Content-based Ranking

Content-based Ranking

From Matching to Ranking

For Boolean or Phrase queries:

  • a document matches or does not match a query
  • no preference among documents that match the query
  • good results depend on well designed queries

Now we aim for:

  • ranking of how well a document matches a query

  • “soft” matching: no longer a yes/no decision

  • robust performance with loosely formulated queries

    • instead of

      • Graduation AND ceremony AND Aalbog AND University or
      • “Graduation ceremony at Aalborg University”
    • Just write a free text query

      • Graduation ceremony at Aalborg University

      and retrieve also pages that only contain “Graduation ceremony” and “Aalborg”, but not “University”

Text Similarity


  • Documents and queries are both text documents
  • Find documents that are most similar to query



  • (Feature) representation of documents
  • Similarity measure for query Q and document D:
    • S(Q,D)

Jaccard Revisited

For near-duplicate identification, we measured the similarity of documents with the Jaccard coefficient:


k-shingles (k > 1) do not make much sense for queries (word order in query can be quite arbitrary). When S(Q), S(D) are just the sets of terms (“1-shingles”), we can write the Jaccard coefficient as:

J(Q,D) = \sum_{t\in \textit{Vocabulary}} I[Q,t] \cdot I[D,t] \ / \ | Q \cup D |

where I is the term-document incidence matrix extended with a row for the query.

Problem: J(Q,D) will be higher for smaller documents

Near Duplicates vs Similarity for Relevance

Different requirements for text similarity measure:

Near duplicate identification Similarity for relevance
D_1 and D_2 are near duplicates” is a symmetric relation D is highly relevant for Q” is not fully symmetric
Need to measure similarity on a common scale for all pairs of documents S(Q, D) only needs to be a relative measure for different D, for any fixed Q (no need to compare S(Q_1, D) vs. S(Q_2, D))

Relevance Score v0.1

Omit the normalization from the Jaccard coefficient:

S_{v0.1}(d,q):=\sum_{t\in \textit{Vocabulary}} I[q,t] \cdot I[d,t]

(= number of query terms contained in d)


  • No difference whether documents contain a query term only once, or many times.

Bag of Words

Replace the term-document incidence matrix with a term-document frequency matrix F:


Entries in the matrix: F[d,t]: frequency of term t in document d

  • (IR book notation: \text{tf}_{t,d})

Modeling a document by the counts of occurrences of words (terms) is known as the bag of words model.

Relevance Score v0.5

S_{v0.5}(q,d):= \sum_{t \in \textit{Vocabulary}} I[q,t] \cdot F[d,t]
  • Queries usually contain terms only once. Therefore, no difference whether we write I[q,t] or F[q,t]


  • Documents that contain query terms many times are probably more relevant, and score higher


  • Consider query Siamese cats for sale.

Relevant part of the F matrix for three documents (assuming for removed as stop word):



  • S_{v0.5}(q,d_3) > S_{v0.5}(q,d_1) > S_{v0.5}(q, d_4) > S_{v0.5}(q,d_2)

Is that what we want?

Term Relevance


  • terms that are more informative should contribute more to the relevance score
  • very common terms are not very informative

Collection Frequency and Document Frequency

\begin{align*} &\text{Collection frequency:} & \text{cf}(t) &= \sum_{d\in \textit{Corpus} } F[d,t] \\ &\text{Document frequency:} & \text{df}(t) &= \sum_{d\in \textit{Corpus} } I[d,t] \end{align*}

What to use?


Is cat or sale more informative/relevant?

  • Lower df value means higher "selectivity" at the document level. We want to select documents, so we use df rather than cf!

From df to idf

N: size of corpus


  • df(t) \over N: fraction of documents containing N
  • N \over df(t): inverse fraction: less common terms score higher
  • "dampening" by taking logarithm
\text{idf}(t) = \log \frac{N}{\text{df}(t)}

Example: Reuters

Numbers from Reuters corpus of 806,791 documents (news articles):


Relevance Score: tf-idf

Adding term relevance to S_{v0.5}:

tf-idf score $$ S_{\text{tf-idf}}(q,d) = \sum_{t \in \textit{Vocabulary}} I[q,t] \cdot F[d,t] \cdot \text{idf}(t) $$


q = Siamese cats for sale


  • relative order has not changed in this example ...


  • Longer documents will still get a higher score

Vector Space Model

M: size of the vocabulary

Our representations of documents and queries can be seen as M-dimensional, numeric vectors:

Example: Vocabulary = { cat, sale }, M = 2:




Dot Product

Two vectors in n-dimensional space:

  • \bold x = (x_1, \dots, x_n)
  • \bold y = (y_1, \dots, y_n)

Their dot product:

  • \bold x \cdot \bold y = \sum_{i=1}^n x_iy_i

Geometric interpretation: length of projection of one vector onto the other:


Relationship with cosine:


  • even if \bold x, \bold y are vectors in a high-dimensional space: two vectors always lie in a 2-d common space
  • the pictures on this and previous slide also cover the high-dimensional case

Cosine Similarity

Back to document vectors:


(d_3 is the concatenation of two copies of d_2).

With similarity as dot products we get:

S_{dot}(q,d_3) > S_{dot}(q,d_2) > S_{dot}(q,d_1)

With cosine similarity

S_{cosine}(q,d) = \frac {q \cdot d} { || q || \cdot || d ||}
S_{cosine}(q,d_1) > S_{cosine}(q,d_2) > S_{cosine}(q,d_3)


  • only the “mix” of terms in documents counts, not the total amount.


Cosine similarity still is a plain dot product between vector representations, now including a normalization:




SMART Notation


Document (query) vector representation:

  • select a combination of term-document, term, and document features.
  • Notation: concatenation of one-letter acronyms for each feature.
  • Then
    • Multiply component-wise the M-dimensional term-document and term feature vectors.
      • Result: \tilde V(d)
    • Multiply \tilde V(d) with document feature value to get document vector V(d)

Query-Document similarity: $$ S(q,d) = V(q) \cdot V(d) $$ Notation:

  • ddd.qqq
    • where ddd, qqq are the feature combination for the document and query.


  • S_{v0.1}: bnn.bnn
  • S_{v0.5}: nnn.bnn
  • S_{\text{tf-idf}}: ntn.bnn (or nnn.btn)
  • cosine or tf-idf: ntc.bnc (or nnc.btc)

Computing Scores


All term-document features f[d, t] are 0 if I[d, t] = 0. Therefore


Skeleton Algorithm

Retrieving top-scoring documents, for any ddd.qqq score (cf. Figure 6.14 in [Manning et al.]):


  • Line 9 can be implemented using a priority queue for the documents
  • The scores array can be a bit wasteful: only documents showing up in some posting list in line 4 ever get a score update
  • Line 5:
    • the postings could directly store the V(d)[t] values.
      • Better: store the 3 features separately (integers instead of floats in posting lists; faster update of term feature values when documents are added to the corpus)
    • instead of calculating full V(d)[t]: only calculate here the product of the term feature and term-document feature; multiply score(d) with the document feature once after line 8.


Last update: December 30, 2020