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Network Structure and Communities


Networks of very different types have many things in common:

  • the mathematical graph model
  • typical structural properties
  • fundamental network (data) analysis problems, e.g.:
  • community detection
  • node classification and link prediction

Network science investigates modeling and analysis problems for networks in general

Degree distribution

A small network and its degree distribution:


Degree distribution in Movielens user-movie rating graph (user nodes only):


Citation Network

Source: Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection:

Nodes: 34546 papers in the Arxiv High Energy Physics category

Edges: 421578 citation links between the papers (directed)


More examples on slides 12-

Power Law


Observation: in many real networks there is a linear relationship


between the logarithms of the degree d, and its relative frequency f (d). Thus:


\sim : proportional

Erdös-Rényi random graph model

For all pairs of nodes, v,w: edge v\to w is included in the graph with probability p (same for all pairs)

Degree distribution in an ER-random graph:


  • Not like the Power Law
  • Real networks evolve by more complex mechanisms than represented by ER model

Diameters and Distances

Milgram's Experiment

  • How many links via personal acquaintance are needed to connect a random pair of US citizens?
  • Approximate measurement by passing a message from random starting persons in Omaha, Nebraska to target person in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Total number of initiated chains: 160. No. of completed chains: 44.


S. Milgram: The small-world problem. Psychology Today, 1967

Diameter and Distance

  • dist(u,v) length (number of edges) of shortest path connecting u and v
  • diameter of graph \max_{u,v\in G}dist(u,v)

Distance statistics in some real networks, collected from Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection


  • 90'th percentile effective diameter:
  • 90 percent of pairs of nodes are connected with a dist of this.
  • says parameter on the figure which is a mistake

Clustering Coefficients

Two graphs with 20 nodes and 35 edges:


Intuition/empirical observation:

  • real networks exhibit significant clustering:
    • two acquaintances of mine are more likely to know each other than two random people.

How to measure the amount of clustering?

Consider G=(V,E) undirected. For v \in V with d(v) \geq 2:

  • \tau_3(v):= \frac{d(v)(d(v)-1)}{2}
    • number of pairs of neighbors of v
  • \tau_\triangle := |\{\{u,w\}:\{u,v\}, \{w,v\},\{u,w\} \in E\}|
    • number of triangles containing v


Local clustering coefficient:

  • cl(v):= {\tau_\triangle(v) \over \tau_3(v)} (for v with degree(v) \geq 2)

Global clustering coefficient:

  • cl(G):= {1\over|V'|} \sum_{v\in V'} cl(v), where V':= \{v \in V(G) | d(v) \geq 2\}

Clustering coefficients and comparison with




Zachary Karate Club

Nodes: members of a karate club at a U.S. university.

Edges: social interactions outside the club.

How the network looked at some point in time:


Eventually, the club broke up into two. Membership in new clubs indicated by color.


What are Communities


Informally, a community in a network is a group of nodes with greater ties internally than to the rest of the network. [Parathasarathy et al., 2011]

The actors in a network tend to form groups of closely-knit connections. The groups are also called communities, clusters, cohesive subgroups or modules in different context. Roughly speaking, individuals interact more frequently within a group than between groups. [Tang et al., 2010]

Communities and Clustering Coefficient

  • Large value of cl(v): v is embedded in a closely connected neighborhood
  • Large value of cl(G): most nodes lie within a closely connected component


Graph Clustering

A clustering of G= (V,E) is a partitioning \mathcal C = \{C_1, \dots, C_k\} of V

Method Skeleton

  • Pick a quality measure for clusterings
  • Find an algorithm to (approximately) determine the clustering with optimal quality


Quality of a 2-clustering (aka. a cut):

  • number of edges that connects vertices in different clusters
    • generalizes to weighted edges, and k-clusterings


Minimum weight cuts can be computed efficiently (but not for the more general k > 2 case)

Problem: optimal clusterings may contain very small clusters:


Quality Measure - Kernighan, Lin 1970

Quality Measure: Cut weight, subject to size constraints n_1 ≤|C_i |≤ n_2 for all i.

Algorithmic paradigm: greedy optimization, based on local modification operations (“shifting method” [Brandes et al., Ch.8]):


Kernighan, Lin local modifications:


Swap cluster membership of pairs of nodes. Gain (decrease in cut weight) from swapping u, v:

  • (2-1) + (3-2)=2

Swaps maintain size constraints

B.W. Kernighan, S. Lin: An efficient heuristic procedure for partitioning graphs. Bell System Tech. J., 1970

Quality Measure - Newman, Girvan 2004

Quality Measure: Modularity (see below). No strong link between quality measure and algorithmic approach.

Algorithmic paradigm: divisive hierarchical clustering


Newman, Girvan:

  • Division in line 3 is effected by sequence of edge deletions
  • Not only internal edges of C_i will be deleted.

M.E.J. Newman and M. Girvan: Finding and evaluating community structure in networks. Physical Review, 2004

Edge Betweenness

Intuition: edges connecting communities will be used on many shortest paths connecting nodes:


Many more shortest path traverse edge e_1 than e_2

Shortest path betweenness:

\beta(e):= \sum_{e,v \in V} \frac {\text{# shortest path connecting } u,v \text{ going through } e} {\text{# shortest paths connecting } u,v}

Other formalizations of "betweenness": random walk betweenness, current-flow betweenness.

Newman-Girvan Algorithm


Line 11 can be implemented in time O(mn) (modification of standard shortest path computations by breadth first search)

Total time: O(m^2n)


Newman-Girvan algorithm produces a hierarchy of n clusterings. Which one is most meaningful?


  • e_{i,j} = e_{j,i}: proportion of edges that connect nodes in clusters i and j
    • Example: e_{1,3} = 2/24,\quad e_{1,1}=6/24
  • a_i := e_{i,i} + \sum_{j \neq i} e_{i,j}/2
    • \sum_i a_i = 1
    • Example: a_1 = 6/24 + 1/48 + 2/48

In matrix form with marginal sums:


a_i: normalized sum of degrees of nodes in cluster i

Modularity Random Graph Model


  • n nodes partitioned into k clusters C_1, \dots, C_k
  • Number m of edges
  • Probabilities a_1,\dots a_k (or degrees d_1,\dots, d_n of all nodes)

construct random graph by selecting for each of the m edges randomly start and end node by

  • randomly picking a cluster C_i according to probability a_i, and then select a node in C_i with uniform probability distribution


  • randomly pick a node with a probability proportional to the degree of the node

Either way: the expected proportion of edges inside cluster C_i is a_i^2

  • Note: multiple edges possible; cf. PA model

The modularity score compares the actual proportion of intra-cluster edges with the expected number under the random graph model:

Q(C_1, \dots, C_k) := \sum_i (e_{i,i} - a_i^2)

Newman-Girvan Zachary Result


Modularity Optimization

Can one try to optimize modularity directly?

  • Exact solution: NP Hard
  • Approximation heuristics: greedy agglomerative hierarchical clustering (no quality of approximation guarantees)

Modularity optimal clustering of Zachary (Q = 0.419):


[U. Brandes et al.: On Modularity Clustering. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2008.]

Last update: January 2, 2021