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Communities and Information Diffusion

Latent Space Embeddings

Graph Drawing

Graph drawing/layout algorithms: map vertices to (x, y)-coordinates, so that graph plotted with nodes at coordinates “looks nice”, “reveals structure”, etc.


A standard clustering algorithm (e.g. kmeans) applied to the x, y-coordinates of the nodes will return clusters that correlate with communities

Problem Transformations

From Graph Clustering to Euclidean Clustering

Given graph G,

  • find embedding of nodes in d-dimensional Euclidean Space \R^d
  • apply clustering algorithm for \R^d-data

From Any Clustering to Graph Clustering

Given data points x_1, \dots, x_N (any data space),

  • define a distance measure d(x_i, x_j) between data points
  • construct distance matrix D=(d(x_i, x_j))_{i,j} or some variant
  • graph-cluster D (possibly via embedding in Euclidian space: Spectral Clustering)

From Graph Clustering to Distance-based clustering

Given graph G,

  • Define a graph-distance measure d(v_i , v_j) between vertices
  • Apply any clustering algorithm that operates on a distance matrix (e.g., hierarchical clustering)

Clustering by Matrix Factorization

Adjacency Matrix

A=(a_{i,j})_{i,j}\quad \text{where } a_{i,j} = \left\{ \begin{array}\ 1 & \text{if } (v_i, v_j) \in E\\ 0 & \text{if } (v_i, v_j) \notin E \end{array} \right.
  • G is directed or undirected.
  • A symmetric if G undirected.

Interpretation as linear mapping:

A: \R^n \to \R^n

A (column) vector \bold x \in \R^n can be interpreted as a potential or weight function on nodes. The mapping A: \bold x \mapsto A \bold x transforms the potential: $$ (A\bold x)i = \sum {j:(i,j) \in E} x_j $$

Alternatively for row vector \bold x^T:

(\bold x^TA)_i = \sum_{j:(j,i) \in E} x_j


Potentials (non-negative) represented by colored boxes:


Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues

\bold x is eigenvector with eigenvalue \lambda if A\bold x = \lambda \bold x


Eigenvectors and -values for triangle graph:



Collection of cliques:



  • The largest eigenvalue is the size (degree) of the largest clique minus one. The corresponding eigenvector is the indicator vector for the clique.
  • Indicator vectors for other cliques are eigenvectors with eigenvalues equal to the size of the cliques minus one.

Laplacian Matrix

The Graph Laplacian

  • A: adjacency matrix of undirected graph
  • D: diagonal degree matrix: d_{i,i} = \sum_{j=1}^n a_{i,j}

the (unnormalized) Laplacian is

L = D - A


  • L is symmetric, and \sum_{j=1}^n l_{i,j} = \sum_{j=1}^n l_{j,i} = 0

  • The constant vector \bold e = (1,\dots,1) is an eigenvector of L with eigenvalue 0.

  • If V' \subset V is a connected component, then the indicator vector for V'

    • (\bold e_{V'})_i = \left\{ \begin{array}\ 1 & \text{if } v_i \in V' \\ 0 & \text{if } v_i \notin V' \end{array} \right .

    is an eigenvector of L with eigenvalue 0

  • L is positive semi-definite

[U. von Luxburg: A tutorial on spectral clustering. Stat. Comput., 2007 ]

Connected Components

Connected components and eigenvectors:


  • L: Laplacian, arranged so that connected components are contiguous blocks
  • \bold e_{V'}: indicator vector of "middle" component
  • \bold 0: 0-vector

SVD for L

SVD for Laplacian matrix (special case for quadratic, symmetric, positive semi-definite matrices):


  • V: matrix of orthogonal eigenvectors
  • D: diagonal, containing non-negative eigenvalues (in increasing order)

Zachary Example: Laplacian


Zachary Example: Adjacency


Information Diffusion

Information diffusion in a (social) network:


Network: possibly heterogeneous with web page nodes, user nodes, . . .


  • retweets
  • hashtags
  • internet rumours

Some assumptions:

  • can identify the “same piece of information” being adopted/shared/propagated across the network
  • information “spawned” at one or several nodes, and then propagated along links

Prediction Problems

Given the trace of an information cascade so far:


How far is this going to spread?

[Cheng, Justin, Lada Adamic, P. Alex Dow, Jon Michael Kleinberg, and Jure Leskovec. "Can cascades be predicted?." In Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on World wide web, pp. 925-936. 2014.]


Which are the most effective spawning nodes for spreading a piece of information?

[Kempe, David, Jon Kleinberg, and Éva Tardos. "Maximizing the spread of influence through a social network." In Proceedings of the ninth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, pp. 137-146. 2003.]

Cascade Prediction

This section based on:

Cheng, Justin, Lada Adamic, P. Alex Dow, Jon Michael Kleinberg, and Jure Leskovec. "Can cascades be predicted?." In Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on World wide web, pp. 925-936. 2014.


From Facebook: “Sharing cascades” of images observed over a 28 day period in 2013

  • at least 5 reshares for each photo
  • initial node can be either:
    • "page" (81%): company etc. accounts
    • "user" (19%): individual users

One cascade:


Image source: [Cheng et al., 2014]

  • \hat G: cascade graph - nodes and edges along which information was transmitted
  • G': induced sub-graph – same nodes as \hat G, but also including the edges on which information was not transmitted.

Wiener Index

For any graph G = (V,E) with |V|=n

d_w(G) = {2 \over n(n-1)} \sum _{u,v \in V} d(u,v) \quad \text{(average node distance)}


Image source: [Cheng et al., 2014]

Interpretation: higher Wiener index ∼ more viral cascade (passes across different communities)

Data Statistics

Complementary cumulative distribution functions for size and Wiener index of cascades:


Image source: [Cheng et al., 2014]

$CCDF(x) = $ fraction of cases (=cascades) that have a value (of Cascade size, Wiener index) above x.

  • We observe power laws for both distributions
  • I Page induced cascades are larger but less viral than user induced cascades.

Predicting Cascade Growth


  • the observation of a cascade of current size k


  • how big will it grow?

  • Problem: default answer “not much bigger than it is now” has high accuracy

Question Adapted

  • Will it reach size 2k? (about half of cascades of size k will reach size 2k.)


  • Define a number of features f_1, f_2, \dots, f_m describing the currently observed size k cascade
  • Use standard logistic regression model to predict ≥ 2k target
  • Separate prediction model for each k

Logistic Regression

Learn weights w_0, \dots, w_m, and predict \geq 2k to be true for cascade C if

  • w_0 + w_1f_1(C) + \dots + w_mf_m(C) > 0

  • the absolute values of the weights are a measure for the importance of the features.

Image Features


Poster Features

  • Page vs. user poster
  • Number of friends
  • Demographic info and Facebook use statistics
  • ...

Resharer Features

Similar features for the re-sharers up to now

Cascade Structure

  • Out-degree of ith re-sharer in cascade graph \hat G(i=1, \dots, k)
  • Out-degree of ith re-sharer in induced graph G'(i=1, \dots, k)
  • Number of edges in G'
  • ...

Temporal Features

  • Various features derived from the time stamps of the first k re-shares

All features only depend on the observed cascade, not the network structure beyond the cascade.

Results - Predicting Size

Results with logistic regression for k = 5 using different feature sets:


  • Temporal features most informative

Further results:

  • Accuracies improve (slightly) for larger k
  • For larger k, relevance of cascade features increases, relevance of content/user features decreases.

Results - Predicting Wiener Index


  • given cascade of size k = 5, predict whether Wiener index of final cascade is above the median value


  • Obtained accuracy of 0.725
  • Temporal and structural features most informative

Influence Maximization


Diffusion Models

Model-based analysis:

  • Define (realistic) stochastic model for the diffusion of information in a network
  • Formulate precise objective
  • Optimize objective under the assumptions of the model


  • Distinguish active and inactive users
  • In the diffusion process, inactive graph neighbors of active nodes can become active

Linear Threshold Model


  • Assume: edges u \to v are associated with weights b_{u,v}, such that for all v


  • Edge weights indicated by grayscale values in picture.


  • At time t = 0 an initial set A0 of nodes is active
    • indicated by blue colors


  • Every node v randomly chooses a threshold θ_v uniformly from the interval [0,1].

    • Thresholds indicated by red-scale values in picture
  • For t = 1, 2, \dots>: the set of nodes active at time t is





Independent Cascade Model


  • Assume: edges u\to v are associated with probabilities p_{u,v} \leq 1.
    • Edge probabilities indicated by grayscale values in picture.


  • At time t=0 an initial set A_0 of nodes is active
  • For t=1,2,\dots: each node u\in A_{t-1} \backslash A_{t_2} (but not A_{T_2}) activated at time t-1 activates its inactive neighbors with probability p_{u,v} A_t=A_{t-1} \cup \{v : v \text{activated at time } t\}


  • Nodes cannot "keep trying" to activate nodes


Similarities and Differences

Edge Parameters

  • Both models assume weights/probabilities on the edges
  • These numbers will not be explicitly given by the network, but can potentially be learned from observations of information cascades
    • E.g. in social network, no-one has labeled edges with numbers
      • Facebook or Twitter would know, e.g. how much a user retweets from another user
  • Otherwise, run the models with default parameters

Activating the neighbors

  • Independent cascade: one-shot opportunity of a newly activated node to also activate its neighbors
    • The more of your neighbors get active, the higher the chance of you becoming active
  • Linear threshold: a node can always contribute to the activation of neighbors if sufficiently many other nodes become active.


Both diffusion models lead to a final set of activated nodes at the time t where:


Each seed set A induces a probability distribution over A_{final} sets obtained in random cascades:

  • Linear Threshold: randomness induced by random choice of thresholds (new in every run)
  • Independent Cascade: randomness induced by random propagation according to edge probabilities

For any diffusion model:

Influence: Definition

For seed set A\subset V define influence \sigma(A) as the expected size of A_{final} in cascade started with A_0=A

Influence: Computation

For a given A, \sigma(A) can be hard to compute.

  • Typically approximate by simulations.

Influence: Optimization

The influence maximization problem: find the set A_{opt} with |A_{opt}|=k, such that \sigma(A_{opt}) is maximal among all size k sets

  • Inputs:
    • Graph (V,E),
    • Edge weights/probabilities
    • k

Influence Maximization Problem

The influence maximization problem for the independent cascade model is NP-hard.

Set Cover Problem

The Set Cover problem is a known NP-complete problem: given

  • a set U of size n
  • a collection of m subsets S_1, \dots, S_m of U
  • a number k\leq m

do there exist k of the subsets S_i such that their union is U?


The Set Cover problem can be reduced to influence maximization: given an instance of the Set Cover problem, construct bipartite graph


Edges directed from sets S_i to elements of U they contain. All probabilities set to p_{u,v} = 1.

Then: exists size k set cover, if and only if \sigma(A_{opt})=n+k

  • Similar result for linear threshold model

Greedy Optimization

Heuristic approximation technique (either linear threshold or independent cascade):


Approximation Guarantee

The influence value \sigma(A_{greedy}) obtained via greedy optimization is at least:


  • General guarantee for optimization of submodular functions:
    • if A \subset A' then for all u:


  • ("law of diminishing returns")

An Experiment

Data: collaboration network (arXiv high energy physics): 10748 nodes, 53000 edges)

Comparing values σ(A) in linear threshold model obtained by greedy optimization vs. simpler alternatives:


  • high degree: select nodes with highest out-degree
  • central: select nodes according to minimal average distance to other nodes
  • random: random

Last update: January 2, 2021